Create your Account

Creating your Website Account is FREE!
Yearly Membership is $60 through December regardless of when you sign up

IMPORTANT: Please use a personal email address for your account (gmail, yahoo, etc.). Then make sure you add us to your address book so we don't end up in the Spam folder (Email Address: [email protected])

Some users have experienced issues when using company email addresses.

NOTE: If you already have an account and want to become a member, you do not need to complete this form again. Just send a check for $60 to:

Chicago Metro Hand Study Group
902 S. Randall RD. suite C #111
St Charles, Illinois 60174

Please allow 7-10 days for your check to arrive and for your membership to be updated. You will be sent an email to let you know your membership has been updated.


All fields marked with * are required.



By creating an account, you agree to our privacy terms.